Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bikini Prep: 10 Weeks Out

I am 10 weeks out from my second bikini competition. Nine weeks and six days, to be exact. My first prep was the hardest experience of my life. But also one of the most amazing. I learned so many things that I wished I would have written down. So many things that extend beyond the boundaries of prep, beyond the boundaries of fitness. 

I make a lot of mistakes, but I try hard not to repeat them. So this time, I'm documenting! 

So, about today...

Good thing
At the gym today, I ran into a few of my "fitness friends." These are girls I met through competing, at the gym, and on Instagram through my fitness account. Over the past week, I have been overwhelmed by my network of strong, supportive, amazing women from every part of my life who lift me up when I need them--even when I don't ask for help like I should. 

The first couple months of working out at the gym (instead of home), I was terrified and kind of embarrassed. I kept my eyes down, headphones on, and tried not to let anyone see that I was looking up YouTube videos of how to do the exercises my trainer gave me. It's a pretty amazing feeling to walk into the gym now and be able to give sweaty hugs to other strong women on their own journeys to build strength--physical and otherwise. 

Bad thing
It feels like I have been working out all day. I didn't wake up early enough to knock out the whole thing in one long session, so I had to split it up. That's not so bad, except it starts to feel like a mind puzzle figuring out the timing of meals in relation to the next phase of the workout. And I still haven't showered. Gross. 

What I learned
I worry I won't be ready for my October show. But today I decided not to stress about that and just give 150% over the next ten weeks. If I am not ready, I will keep training for a later show. It's that easy. But if I'm not ready, it won't be for lack of trying. I can do this. I am doing it. I'm going to beat the girl that stepped on stage in March--and I think it will make her proud. 

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